Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Individual Project for STS


 As promised here are the details for the Individual Project, which must be submitted and also posted on your group blog.

You may submit any of the following topics for your individual project:

 1. Filipino Scientist
 2. Gadget or Technology
 3. News or Latest Development in Science and Technology

1. No repetition of topic/subject.
2. No plagiarism
3. Cite reference and sources
4. Project could be a commentary, narrative, investigative, or fiction piece about a subject falling on any of the three subject areas. 1. Filipino Scientist; 2. Gadget or Technology; and 3. News or Latest Development in Science and Technology
5. Format: (i) Essay (500 words excluding quotations, citations and references); (ii) Five to ten minute video or podcast with written summary; (iii) infographic with written description; and Photo essay with written introduction.

6. Project must be approved before work starts
7. Project should be submitted a month before the end of the Semester

1. Originality of Concept
2. Creativity of Presentation
3. Conciseness of Content
4. Coherence of Concent
 You can submit and reserve your topic using the following forms:

Individual Project of STS THX 

Individual Project of STS THY

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

STS Lecture Notes 2nd Sem 2013: Topic Outline and Quotations

Caveat Lector/Reader Beware: These are my lecture notes written as topic outline wirh quotations for STS 2nd Sem 2013 for class THY and THX.  It is not the complete lecture, but it does give you an idea of what has been said or done. And it does not replace the lecture.




The Fertile Crescent

Shift to Agriculture and setting up of cities between the Tigris and Euphrates

Setting of laws - Code of Hammurabi
Schools - Religion and Mathematics
Science as practical approach to business and agriculture 
Priest Scientists 
Trade, Commerce and Mathematics
The Wheel
The Plough and Seed Planter
Medical Instruments
Sun Dial

The Persian Empire

Use of geology and hydrology to access water and unite tribes
Military Success and Expansion
Cyrus the Great
War with the Greek States - Battle of Salamis
Invasion by Alexander the Great

The Greeks and Hellenism

Attitudes of Greek towards Science and Technology: No Difference between Science and Philosophy  - "The gods did not reveal everything to men at the beginning, but men as they seek in time something better" - Xenophanes

Victory at Salamis
Engineering and Use of Mathematics to develop water systems
Plato and Aristotle
Rise of Macedonia and Alexander the Great
Hellenism and the Spread of Greek Culture
Concept Science as an Art
Death of Alexander, the Partition of his Empire; and Ptolemy as Pharaoh of Egypt
Ptolemy I and Egypt:  The Great Lighthouse of Alexandria and the Great Library of Akexandria
Hero of Alexandria and the Steam Engine
Archimedes: Archimedes Principle; Archimedes Screw; the Claw and the Death 

The Americas:  Aztecs, Incas and the Mayas

The City States
Use of mathematics and engineering to build Tenochtichlan in a swamp land; advance water and sewage systems and pyramids.
Advance Mathematics the Concept of Zero
Use of the Gokden Mean
Collapse of the Maya City Statws
Destruction of Aztec, Inca and Maya Culture


Science and Industrialization in China
Filial Piety and the Mandate of Heaven
Chin Shi Huang or Shi Huang Di : Uniting China; The Great Wall of China; Persecution of Scholars and Book Burning
Zhang Heng and the Bronze Seismograph
Song Dynasty
Industrialization/ The terra-cotta Warriors and the Tomb of the First Emperor; and Ancient Machines of China
Su Song and the Celestial Engine
Scientists as Court Officials

The Golden Age of Islam

Expansion of Islam
Caliphate: Policy of Assimilate, Tolerance and Poll Tax
Policy of Arabic as State Language
The Abbasids
Rule of Haroun Al-Rashid and Al Mamun
Trade with China: Paper
Bayt al-Hikma - House of  Wisdom and the Dar al-Hikmah or House of Knowledge
Bayt al-Hisma - As Library; Translation; and Research Center

Scientists and Scholars of the Islamic Golden Age:

l-Jazari.  - Engineer & Mathematician - Elephant Clock

Moroccan Princess Fatima al-Fihri - Modern University

Egyptian physicist Alhazen - Study of optics and he invented the camera obscura

Andalusian physician al-Zahrawi -  use of catgut sutures and developed sophisticated surgical instruments, including scalpels, syringes, forceps and surgical needles. 

Scientists and Scholars did not specialize in one subject alone and although the Bayt Al- Hikma started out with studying Mathemathics it was involved in different studies:

Ishaq ibn Hunayn and Thabit ibn Qurrah - prepared a critical edition of Euclid's Elements

Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwaraznli  is believed to have been one of the first to explore the use of Arabic numerals and wrote the first book on Algebra - Kitab al-Jabr wa-l-Muqabalah

Sons of Musa Ibn Shakir also known as Banu Musa or the Sons of Musa : Muhammad, Ahmad, and al-Hasan: 

- The Measurement of the Sphere, Trisection of the Angle, and Determination of Two Mean Proportionals to Form a Single Division between Two Given Quantities.

- celestial mechanics and the atom, 

- canal construction

- recruited one of the greatest of the ninth-century scholars, Thabit ibn Qurrah.

Thanit ibn Qurrah

He was fluent i. Syriac, Greek, and Arabic

Translated Greek Scientific writing anf produced seventy original works - mathematics, astronomy, astrology, ethics,  mechanics, music,  medicine,  physics, philosophy,  and the construction of scientific instruments.

Hunayn ibn Isha

Joanitius - who eventually translated the entire canon of Greek medical works into Arabic, including the Hippocratic oath.
Wrote around twenty-nine original medical treatises  and essays on ophthalmology - the anatomy and physiology of the eye and the treatment of various diseases which afflict vision, and included anatomical drawings.

by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

One day, Haroun Al Raschid read
A book wherein the poet said: --

Where are the kings, and where the rest
Of those who once the world possessed?

They're gone with all their pomp and show,
They're gone the way that thou shalt go.

O thou who choosest for thy share
The world, and what the world calls fair,

Take all that it can give or lend,
But know that death is at the end!

Haroun Al Raschid bowed his head:
Tears fell upon the page he read.

by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Digital Life: internet and You: 

The Pros and Cons of Being Online
Philippines: Internet Penetration Rate; Social Media Penetration Rate: Smart Phone, Tablet and Phone Penetration Rate

Precautions and Reminders


The Future: 
Film- Catching Fire

The Scientist
Film - The Fly (1958)


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Reaction Paper: The Fly (1958)

After watching the 1958 Science Fiction film The Fly, in no more than  three (300) words. What is your opinion of the film? This is required. Please discuss briefly by answering the following questions:

Was the film entertaining and interesting? Why?

What was the film's commentary on Scientists and conduct of science? Would you consider it a morality play? Why?

How does it reflect the view on Science and Technology during the 1950s 

Deadline: December 12, 2013 at 12 noon.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Reaction Paper: Catching Fire

Here is the next reaction paper, If you choose to accept it your mission is to watch the sequel to The hunger Games, Catching Fire, and write a reaction paper answering the following questions:

 First, is the film Science Fiction? Why or why not?

 Second, is the film a commentary on past, present and future human society?

 Third, How does science, technology and society fail or succeed in the world of the 13 Districts?

 All reaction papers must not go over 500 words. All reaction paper/posted must be published on your blog before lunch time this oming Thursday, December 5, 2013. Have a nice day! :)


Friday, November 22, 2013

Update for STS THX and THY - GDAYX

Here is an update on GDayX : Information, FAQs and registration - Link

  1. Attend at least three sessions.
  2. Register
  3. Reaction paper for this is due on Thursday before noon.
Have a nice weekend.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Reaction Paper - GDAYX

If you are interested in learning more about Google and the Digital World you can attend GdayX this three of several sessions this coming November 23, 2013 and write a reaction paper.

Here are the details:

"The Google Business Group Community would like to invite you to their Gdayx Philippines event on Saturday November 23, 2013 from 8:00am-5:00pm at the Angelo King Multi-Purpose Center, Xavier School. This event aims to connect, inform and inspire business owners, entrepreneurs and business students on the latest business technologies. This FREE event is supported by Google, SMART and Xavier School."

Please Register here: http://bit.ly/GdayXm

Discussion for STS students of THY

Question: As a student of Science, Technology and Society what are your thoughts on the Typhoon Yolanda Tragedy?

Discussion for STS students of THX

Question: As a student of Science, Technology and Society what are your thoughts on the Typhoon Yolanda Tragedy?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Class handbook and Manual

College of Science
UP Diliman

Class Handbook and Manual for STS Classes THX and THY - 2nd Semester 2013


The study of how Science and Technology affect Society - its culture, values and institutions; And how Society - its culture, values and institutions - shape Science and Technology.


First,  To enable the student to be familiar and understand science and technology; including its functions and roles in society from a HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE

Second, To enable the student to comprehend IMPLICATIONS of Science and Technology

Third, To familiarize the student with the sociological, cultural, ethical, environmental, economic, political and gender ASPECTS of Science and Technology and

Fourth, To enable the student to APPRECIATE the role of Science and Technology in national development and its policy implications.


The course will be using multiple approaches ranging from lectures, discussions, reports, video showing, unconference, audio plays to deliver the course. Participation and requirements will be both online and offline. The course will focus on four thematic approached to STS. These are the following:

First, History and Philosophy of science and technology;

Second, Science and technology in daily life;

Third, Science and technology, in the arts, law and social sciences;

And Fourth, Science, science policy and national development.


AFFILIATE LECTURERS: The instructor of the course may invite affiliate lecturers to complement activities and learning objectives for four thematic areas.


Class will start 10 minutes after the scheduled time and end 15 minutes before the scheduled time. It is understood that the 25 minutes will be used by the students to check online via email, blog, twitter, or website for announcements, updates and news.

Attendance in this class is expected and you are not allowed to have more than 2 INEXCUSABLE absences.

If you incur 2 to 3 inexcusable absences we will, deduct 5% from your final grade computation.

If you have 4 to 6 inexcusable absences, we will advise you to drop  from the course. 

If you have 6 inexcusable absences or more, you will get a 5.0


Illness/medical/dental condition (next time you show up for class, present a medical certificate from the UP Infirmary)

Family emergencies (e.g. illness of immediate family member.  A letter from your parent or immediate family member is needed explaining your absence)

NOTE: Social obligations are not excusable reasons .

Official business for the university/college/department/Philippine government (attending a conference, meeting etc. Need letter from organizer or sponsor and your dean/chair/professor authorizing you to attend)

Competing for the UP in a recognized sports event. (e.g. UAAP, invitational meets etc. Need letter from your coach)

A religious obligation. Need a letter from you and a letter from your religious minister/congregation on your attendance. 


If you are going to be absent for any reason, please inform the lecturer well in advance.

If you are absent, excused or not excused, it is your responsibility to make up for the absences - 


Group Project - Term Paper and Presentation (30%)
Pub Quiz (10%)
Individual Project (10%)
Reaction Papers (10%)
Final Exam (40%)



Each team would by the end of the semester have a science blog and that will be evaluated by the lecturer and a panel. The best science Blog will awarded in recognition ceremony at the end of the event.

The class will be organized into teams of 10 students. The members of each group will elect from among themselves a team leader. The leader will be responsible for management of individual outputs, attendance and dissemination of announcements and compliance to class policies.

A. Group Project - no more than 1000 words in the actual text.

B. Pub Quizzes - group quizzes to be given four times during the semester.


A. Seven (7) Reaction Papers - between 300 to 500 word essay, photo essay, audio or videocasts. (Note: photos and videos must be accompanied with transcript of interview - not more than 500  words.

B. One (1) Individual project:Interview - between a 500 word essay, photo essay, audio or videocasts. (Note: photos and videos must be accompanied with transcript of interview - not more than 500 words.

C. One (1) Final Exam

Examination: There will be only one examination.

Students who miss examinations will have to explain in writing the reason for their absence and if this is health related, they are required to present a medical certificate. If they miss the examination for other reasons, they are required to meet the criteria for reschedule of examination as  enumerated in the SSP policies on absences.


Each group will maintain a blog wherein students will post the following requirements : Reaction Papers minimum 300 - 500 words  in the forms of blog post maximum 7; individual and group projects. 

Groups are required to work on their project via Google Drive. With documents, being shared and worked on by all members. These documents will also be shared to the lecturer.

The lecturer will maintain a blog and a website dedicated to the class. Lectures, presentation and online resources will be provided there. 

Learning resources:

Selected writings will be posted on the online resource center and the STS blog.


Projects, term papers and reaction papers will be submitted in digital format. They shall be submitted by:

First, being published in the group blog 

and Second shared with the lecturer via the Google Drive

A. Length

Term Paper: Text excluding list of references must not exceed 1000 words.
Reaction Paper: Text excluding list of references and other non main text parts must not exceed 500 words.

B. Language

English or Tagalog might be used. If Tagalog is used it should accompanied by a three sentence descriptive abstract or summary written in English.

C. Format

Projects, term papers and reaction papers can be in text, image, video and audio or in multi media. Video, audio and photo essays needs to be accompanied by a two sentence descriptive abstract or summary and a transcript.

D. File Naming

While all papers and projects will be posted on line. You are required to submit a copy to the lecturer via sharing it via the Google Drive.

File name should include the following:

1.  Section
2.  Initials/Group Name
2.  Element/s of title

For example:

Reaction Paper


Term Paper/Group Report


E. Plagiarism and Citing Reference

Plagiarism and Attribution

Plagiarism will not be tolerated. 
Statements, phrasesa and paragraphs taken from references must be differentiated from the rest of the text by enclosing it in quotes or block quotes followed by parenthetical references which includes the author's name, date of publication and page numbers:

Loren ipsum (Surname, year, pp)
loren ipsum (Surname, year)
Loren ipsum ( Title of book)

Reference List

In compiling Reference List follow the guidelines based on guide set down by Kate Turabian.

Simply put it should include the following in order:

1. Author or editor or blogger;
2. Year of publication;
3. Article Title;
4. Periodical Title;
5. Title;
6. Compiler, translator or editor;
7. Edition;
8. Name of series, including volume or number used;
9. Place of publication and publisher;

For online references add

10. URL;
11. date accessed.


A. For Sharing Documents and Interactions

Google Drive

B. For submitting reaction papers, terms papers and projects

Blog and Google Drive

C. For collaborative work 

Google Drive

D. Announcement, Feedback and Comments

Google Forms
Lecturer's Blog
Class Website

E. Setting up a blog

One, Agree upon a group name and title of your blog;

Two, Go to blogger/blogspot to open a blog -  Using your gmail you can do this;

Three, Set comment moderation on to allow you to scan, approve and disapprove comments;

Four, Set the date and time;

Five, Invite members and lecturer via gmail.

Online form to Register your group blog - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1cNNEaKOBR52KEJX16Ikpe-XkbaXQxFuYW3jfQLK4UjI/viewform

F. Ground Rules on Blogs and Blogging

Do not post anything libelous or factually incorrect.

Always attribute your source - No plagiarizing and no copy paste

No posting of other person's photos, videos, audio on the blog post without permission. Better yet use your own image, audio and video.

Only registered users can comment

All comments are moderated

Delete comments that are off topic, spam, hate speech, ad hominem attacks or slander

G. General Rule on Internet Security

Ensure that all security patches are updated

Use a good anti virus

Back up your files every week

Protect your device

Do not open attachments to click on links in email messages;

Never enter your password into a site accessed from a link in an e-mail;

Never provide your online account login credentials to third parties;

Don’t click on links sent to you from Facebook, Skype or Twitter friends/feeds;

Don’t transmit personal data via unpassworded wifi hotspots

What is STS ?

The study of how Science and Technology affect Society - its culture, values and institutions; And how Society - its culture, values and institutions - shape Science and Technology.