Citing Reference
Statements, phrases and paragraphs taken from references must be differentiated from the rest of the text by enclosing it in quotes or block quotes followed by parenthetical references which includes the author's name, date of publication and page numbers:
Loren ipsum (Surname, year, pp)
loren ipsum (Surname, year)
Loren ipsum ( Title of book)
Reference List
In compiling Reference List follow the guidelines based on guide set down by Kate Turabian.
Simply put it should include the following in order:
1. Author or editor or blogger;
2. Year of publication;
3. Article Title;
4. Periodical Title;
5. Title;
6. Compiler, translator or editor;
7. Edition;
8. Name of series, including volume or number used;
9. Place of publication and publisher;
For online references add
10. URL;
11. date accessed.
Sonido, Juned, 2014. Seven Set of Questions I Ask Myself As 25 February Approaches. Baratillo Phamphlet. February 27, 2014.