Sunday, May 11, 2014

Breakfast at Deocaris’: A Reflection

Fatemeh Halabisaz 


    Dr. Deocaris must be the funniest and most interesting neuroscientist, biochemist and microbiologist in the whole world. At a glance, one would think that he was a physical trainer because of his big build. But, the moment he talked, CROSS-LEGGED, you would immediately dismiss this idea.

    He, first, talked about his childhood. He said that, ever since, he has always been interested in science and even had toys that were all about science. He also had many science books like the one for genetic engineering—the book that he read and understood when he was in gradeschool (wow!). What’s more amazing is that they actually used the same book when he was already in college. Again, wow! It just makes me want to turn back time and read as much astronomy and biophysics books as I can.

    Then, he talked to us about his colorful college years here in UP. I laughed when he said that the building they used for MBB wouldn’t have been able to withstand an intensity 3 earthquake even if it tried! He also shared with us how he was bored with the normal subject load for MBB students and so he took extra classes for writing and for theater arts. Wow, just wow. In addition, he also told us about the different political groups that he joined and how these and much more organizations shaped him into the well-rounded person that he was. 

    He, then, moved on to his experiences in Japan when he was trying to get his Ph.D. It amazed me how dedicated he was, especially when he told us about the mice that he was trying to train for his experiments. He told us how, for months, he had to stay awake until about 12 AM because the mice were most active at night. It just makes me grateful to all scientists who make our world a better place.

    After, he told us about his postdoc adventures and his present adventures as a “law-maker”, artist, science DJ, scientist, comic book entrepreneur and much, much more! All in all, Dr. Deocaris is a fun, FUNNY, lively, interactive, cool and intelligent scientist. He made me realize that we shouldn’t just concentrate on our field of “expertise” and should be an expert on other things as well such as art, music, theater and the like. 

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