Sunday, May 11, 2014

John Philip Orate - Reaction Paper

John Philip Orate
Sir Juned Sonido STS X2

Reaction paper on “Life of Mammals”

Monkeys, according to science with the support of the theory of evolution, are human’s closest relative, out of the thousands of species of mammals out there. They closely resemble us. They walk on two feet. They eat and reproduce much just like us. But beyond this physical resemblance, beyond the anatomical similarities, how they live and how they interact are much more interesting to compare with us.

Because of the different characteristics – fangs, tails, speedy on trees, better sense of smell – these animals are aptly equipped to survive on the environment they are in. Unlike them, we don’t have superhuman capabilities to do just what they can, but we have these human faculties we can use to learn from them and create these characteristics that will be enable us to adapt on any environment we are in.

There may be good side with these animals but there will always be bad side that we can learn to avoid in doing. Hierarchy is part of even the monkeys’ life. Males are still the dominant ones while the females take care of the children, a very familiar scenario in a patriarchal society. The highest monkey in the hierarchy had proven themselves to be the strongest and so can enjoy privileges – first to choose the mate, get food even when it’s on the mouth of another monkey.

            In the end, whether the theory of evolution is true or not, we can learn a lot from studying not just monkeys but different kinds of animals. Bad or good, we now know what to implement or not in how we do things. And true enough, there are plenty of technological advancements that helped our society move faster than ever. 

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