Sunday, May 11, 2014

Reaction Paper: A Beautiful Mind

Ongsyping, Anderson S.

Reaction Paper about a Beautiful Mind

     The movie concerns itself about the ability of the human mind and psychology. I learned that socializing is a very important aspect of human life both mentally and physically. In the movie, John Nash was a victim of schizophrenia, and one thing to note is that he was mostly a loner throughout his life. His’ psychological sickness worsened because he didn’t have friends to interact with, so his’ view of the world had an imbalance. He began to believe some people are actually real, and he became delusional. The 3 illusions/characters can be understood as John Nash’s inner thoughts such as wanting a family, wanting a friend, and wanting a purpose in life. Though these inner desires can be pretty harmless, the thought of him having delusions is altogether bad. Because of this, I will say that he is lucky to have a partner that is very patient in helping him understand his’ delusions even more. Through his treatments, I learned that the procedure to ‘cure’ schizophrenia is very rough which included electrical shock, harmful medicine, etc. This also leads me to believe that the advancement of science and technology should be the top priority of the world in order to find cures, make it comfortable to patients, and make it affordable to everyone. Today, the leading medical problem is now cancer, which affects everyone both physically and mentally.

      As a person, John Nash was a very smart and talented individual not only because of his’ academic prowess in mathematics, but also because he was able to convey his thoughts through articles, books, and journals. As a thinker, he believed in the infinite freedom of the mind. He strongly believed that the mind should be independent and not persuaded by institutions such as schools, media, etc. I learned from this movie not to believe everything a person says even if he’s an authority figure such as a professor in a university. Our responsibility is to analyze and study whether a statement is the actual truth or just based on one’s bias. John Nash won the Nobel Prize not just because of his intelligence, but it is also because of his’ persistence. 

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