Sunday, May 11, 2014

PEROTE - The Social Climbers & Food for Thought

The Social Climbers focuses on monkeys, part of the most social group of mammals. Monkeys display natural intelligence and snoopiness. The capuchins portray the special characteristics of monkeys which can be witnessed when they search for food. They find clams in the mangrove swamps and crack them by knocking them on tree-anvils. As a defense mechanism against insects, they strike their skin with a special plant to drive them away. Various species of monkey were also centered - saki, spider monkey, pygmy and an owl monkey. Monkeys are also the most colorful of all mammals. Some have a beaming scarlet color, bizarre long moustache and complex patterns on their faces to transmit social messages. A certain specie called guenon is interesting because they join forces with other monkeys to form an anti-predator alliance. Although there is a great life on tree-tops, it is on the ground that the most composite societies were developed.
Food for Thought discussion was about apes. Rescued orangutans that have interacted within a significant time with humans have learned to imitate their activities. They were shown rowing their boats and washing socks. In Africa, a group of chimps are learning survival skills and another special nut-cracking class. Through their ways of searching for food, evolution of our large brains has found its key. A different culture was seen in Uganda where opposing males live in a shaky relationship which seldomly turns into violence. Traces of the earliest footprints of man’s upright-walking ancestors were featured. It was also the beginning for humans to domesticate plants and animals. Supply of food increased together with the multiplication of human population. Tikal, the capital of the Maya people was revisited. Their civilization collapsed because they can no long be sustained by their environment. Is our civilization coming close its edge? Will we suffer the same state?

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